Friday, January 4, 2019

And the search continues for a philosophy and ideology capable of refuting Marxism.

The Wall Street backed “scholars” and “intellectuals” are searching for a philosophy beyond “pragmatism” to support wars while trying to feed us the idea that we must be content with reforms promised incrementally in baby steps never intended to materialize but keep us ensnared in this two-party trap.

Anything but Marxism will suffice provided the ideology keeps us away from the working class struggle.

Leave it to publications like the New Yorker to promote this worthless itsy-pitsy crap of confusion that there is a philosophy which brings together the left and the right... claiming they have studied Marx for us and we need not bother picking up a copy of the Communist Manifesto to read for ourselves and share the thoughts with family, friends and fellow workers.

I remember when these well-heeled muddle-headed upper middle class intellectuals on the college campuses tried pushing Herbert Marcuse down our throats in order to disorient us from the class struggle... and so the Wall Street ruling class frantically continues its search for those “philosophers” and “ideologists” who have the ability to distract and disorient us as capitalism collapses all around us and on top of us... anything but the real socialist alternative:

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