Friday, January 4, 2019

About the Democrats

The Democrats like to take credit for the New Deal reforms only when they are accused of not doing anything for working people. But, if they aren’t put on the spot they won’t bring up the New Deal reforms. Why is this?

Because people would want to know why these Democrats have not defended these reforms but why they have not advocated improving these reforms.

For instance, take Social Security.

The Democrats haven’t lifted a finger since 1935 to defend the integrity of Social Security. No one polices employers to make sure these employers are paying into the system what they are withholding in wages.

Nor does any government agency make sure employers are paying the full amount withheld and accurately reporting the hours being worked.

On top of all of this, Democrats have refused to legislate lowering the age of retirement... since 1935 one would think the age for receiving full Social Security benefits would be around 55 years old with a real living income of at least a minimum of $2,500.00 a month being provided for everyone in Social Security.

We could go through and assess what Democrats have done with the Minimum Wage and with the rights of workers to organize and protecting the rights of workers in the workplace.

We could assess Medicare and analyze what happened to the rest of LBJ’s “Great Society.”
If we honestly look at reforming health care, we would consider that most people don’t want any kind of private for-profit health care.

Most people in this country, if asked- and they aren’t asked, would tell you they want a health care system based on the model of public education:

Publicly funded. Publicly administered. Publicly delivered.

Even single-payer and Medicare for All remain for-profit driven health care systems; but, when the truth be told, the Democrats pushing even these mild reforms are only pushing them as campaign gimmicks with no intent to deliver when elected... while the majority of the Democrats are satisfied to maintain the present “free enterprise” profit gouging system of health care with all their greedy campaign donors sticking their fingers in the public trough.

Democrats view health care as a for-profit venture to enrich the greedy few, not at all unlike the Republicans.

Democrats don’t want to get into the specifics of any of this because they have been schooled to bring forward “properly framed progressive sounding policy directives” rather than being engaged in bringing forward specific solutions to the very real problems being experienced by living breathing human beings... the solutions which would require directing resources to solving these problems instead of squandering the tremendous wealth the working class has created on war after war and imperialist interventions intended to protect Wall Street’s profits derived from cheap labor extracting natural resources and using cheap labor manufacturing goods and providing services... the cheaper the labor the greater Wall Street’s profits.

Democrats detest being reminded about the Peace Dividend they promised.

And Democrats just hate being challenged about their bellicose foreign policy which they share with the Republicans.

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