Saturday, October 8, 2011

What is the movement against Wall Street all about?

What is the movement against Wall Street really all about? The New York Times assigned one of its top reporters to "clarify" what the movement in opposition to Wall Street is all about. The NYT reporter, Mark Landler, went even further in attempting to falsely explain: the ideology behind our movement, our goals and objectives and how we are going to get what we want. I would note that over the past weeks the NYT first tried to ignore our movement against Wall Street, then tried to claim the movement was "leaderless" without any ideology and there were no concrete demands that could be addressed--- of course this was all just the typical hypocrisy that is normal and typical for the NYT which always pretends not to know what working people want because the NYT is Wall Street's voice--- owned lock, stock and barrel by the Wall Street coupon clippers who hire "the best" capitalist Sooth-sayers

and apologists for capitalism's highest stage, imperialism, the money derived from the exploitation of the working class can buy. Mark Landler in his article below has proven himself well suited and equipped for the task required by his Wall Street bosses. Check out Mark Landler's background then read what he wrote... below Landler's article in the New York Times I will explain why Wall Street is our enemy, what we think, what we want and how we are going to get what we want. Our vision is very clear as anyone can see for themselves; but, the New York Times never lets us state our vision, what we want and how we are going to achieve what we want even as it's editors and reporters continually--- and hypocritically--- boast that the United States is the world's greatest bastion of democracy even though 99% of the people are denied a voice through the MainStreamMedia while the 1% always get their say because they own the MainStreamMedia the same way they own the mines, mills and factories. As usual, this article from the New York Times uses "kernels of truth" to convey its falsehoods in an attempt to manipulate and control the "news" to suit the aims of Wall Street and the politicians--- like Barack Obama--- who they own and control just like their newspapers, radio and television stations... and even the Internet Service Providers and FaceBook. And of course, this manipulation and control of the media is conveniently called: democracy.      

Here is my response to this article from the New York Times.

Here are my thoughts about this movement against Wall Street; I hope Obama backers will pass on my thoughts to their "leader:"

Alan L. Maki

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