Saturday, April 30, 2011

I think we need to drive home the point that the way to create real jobs is by solving the problems of the people.

Here is the kind of program I think we need.

I think we need to drive home the point that the way to create real jobs is by solving the problems of the people. 

In a way, I guess we should be happy we have so many problems because just solving a few of the bigger problems around universal social programs that are always going to be required will pretty much yield a full-employment economy; one of the main reasons I think we should be focusing on a full-scale public health care program because it creates so many jobs. I don't think we can find two programs needed more than health care and child care (both publicly funded, publicly administered and publicly delivered which Ron Paul would never support, by-the-way):

A program for real change...

* Peace--- end the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and shutdown the 800 U.S. military bases on foreign soil.

* A National Public Health Care System - ten million new jobs.

* A National Public Child Care System - three to five million new jobs.

* WPA - three million new jobs.

* CCC - two million new jobs.

* Tax the hell out of the rich and cut the military budget by ending the wars to pay for it all which will create full employment.

* Enforce Affirmative Action; end discrimination.

* Raise the minimum wage to a real living wage

* What tax-payers subsidize in the way of businesses, tax-payers should own and reap the profits from.

* Moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions.

* Defend democracy by defending workers' rights including the right to collective bargaining for improving the lives and livelihoods of working people.

* Roll-back and freeze the price of food, electricity, gas and heating fuels; not wages, benefits or pensions.

* Wall Street is our enemy.

Let's talk about the politics and economics of livelihood for a real change.

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