Cindy Sheehan posted this on her facebook wall today:
"It occurs to me after another "end" to the "war" in Iraq; my son and hundreds of thousands of other people are dead for absolutely nothing good. Dead for lies for profit."
I think this is "occurring" now to many people especially as we see the Iraqi people celebrating U.S. troops leaving their country by burning U.S. flags as the same corporate owned U.S. MainStreamMedia that force-fed us all the lies about why this dirty imperialist war was needed is trying to feed us another lie that "the U.S. flag is being brought home."
Now tax-payer funded mercenaries provided the name of "contractors" have been charged with the effort to "maintain law-and-order" as the Iraqi people complete their civil war over whether multi-national corporations will rob them of their oil using them as sources of cheap labor.
As the great anti-imperialist Mark Twain explained, "I wasn't an anti-imperialist until our government got involved in the Spanish-American War."
Now that it is "occurring" to many people here at home and around the world that this war (an imperialist war) has been fought for the exact same reasons as the Spanish American War--- to secure cheap natural resources and regional domination for "policing" these areas of the world to maintain Wall Street's ability to reap maximum profits, the American people are now getting the bill to pay for it all via the most draconian austerity measures being imposed by Obama, we will no doubt find many people saying, "I wasn't an anti-imperialist until the war in Iraq."
Something to think about: After over one-hundred years we are still paying for this country's very first imperialist war--- the Spanish American War--- and we still have the U.S. military "policing" both the Philippines and Puerto Rico.
The United States government honors Mark Twain with a "Forever" postage stamp without so much as a mention that he was a great anti-imperialist who tried to warn the American people about the need to resist imperialist wars while encouraging us to join the struggles in solidarity with the victims of these imperialist wars lest we become the victims of these dirty imperialist wars ourselves.
We have had many great anti-imperialists amongst us--- from Mark Twain to General Smedley Butler to W.E.B. DuBois, Paul Robeson and Albert Einstein who the despicable pervert J. Edgar Hoover viciously smeared and attacked for his anti-imperialist activities as "having more Communist friends than Joseph Stalin."
A dirty, corrupt, profit-driven Wall Street government can only continue to get us involved in imperialist war after imperialist war. Wall Street is our enemy and the enemy of peoples everywhere.
The time has come for the 99% to challenge Wall Street for power.
A good, solid, united anti-imperialist movement in this country would go a long way towards driving these Wall Street shills like Obama from power.
Anti-imperialist education, organization, struggle and solidarity... Forever.
Mark Twain should be honored with more than his picture on a postage stamp if we are ever going to live in peace and cooperation with the rest of the world.
What we struggle for in the streets requires an ongoing struggle at the ballot box, too.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Let's strive to make 2012 the year we come together in anti-imperialist solidarity
Let's strive to make 2012 the year we come together in anti-imperialist solidarity to carry forward the work begun by the great anti-imperialists like Mark Twain and Paul Robeson.
This is an "art technique" I learned in a class taught by cartoonist Gary Huck who told me I had no talent to draw--- lol! So he taught me to use the art of others. I just posted this on his FaceBook wall:
Gary; A technique I credit as learning from you. I used my camera and the art of others compliments of the U.S. Postal Service and an appointment book from my insurance company to create an anti-imperialist message of struggle and solidarity about the kind of movement we need in the coming year.
International anti-imperialist solidarity--- Forever!
... in our communities, where we work and go to school; in the streets and at the ballot box.
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